Richard Jeffrey Newman

Richard Jeffrey Newman

I write about things that matter to make connections that matter. I help writers and professionals of many kinds do the same. That's why my newsletter is called It All Connects.
Four By Four #33 (Chanukah Edition)

Four By Four #33 (Chanukah Edition)

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me


We must not fear repetition in poetry, because sweet speech is pleasant in the repetition. —Nasir Khusraw, translated by Alice


"It is [an] irony of oppression that the solution chosen to eliminate an enemy often guarantees that enemy'
Four By Four #32

Four By Four #32

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me



from “Reading Matsuo Bashō,” by Gemma Gorga (translated by Sharon Dolin): I wonder: how many syllables must I remove to


From “Joyeux Noël” by Gemma Gorga (translated by Sharon Dolin): While you try ordering yourself in the midst of the
Four By Four #31

Four By Four #31

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four By Four #30

Four By Four #30

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me

Four By Four #29

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me


From Fletcher’s Field, by Derek Webster in @columba_poetry: All these years, I have lived as if a thought
