Four By Four #28
Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four By Four #27
Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four By Four #26
Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
"These poems helped me see ways in which the mind, body, spirit and community…resonate[,] forming harmonies and dissonances that are instructive, discomforting, and ineluctable. In reading these poems, I felt myself returning to something I didn’t even know I’d strayed from." —Jason Schneiderman
Words For What Those Men Have Done
"[These] poems are alert to the possibility of redemption, not by transcending injury and sorrow, but by finding meaning there, and connection to others' suffering, and the bedrock truth of desire…" —Richard Hoffman
The Silence Of Men
"...exposes the violence of men toward men, and men toward women, and the tenderness also, the resounding tenderness. [Newman's] is an unremitting empathy, as uncommon as it is necessary." —Robin Behn
Four By Four #25
Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four By Four #24
Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Three Poems Of Mine That Should Never Again Have Become As Relevant As They Are Now
When I first shared these poems with you in June 2022—two from The Silence of Men and one from
Four By Four #23
Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four By Four #22
Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
For My Son, A Kind Of Prayer
"With passionate emotional and even spiritual attention, Richard Jeffrey Newman captures the primal love between father and son." —Roger Sedarat, author of Dear Regime: Letters to the Islamic Republic