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Richard Jeffrey Newman
Craft Talk 1: Figuring Out Why a Poem Doesn’t Work for Me Aug 8, 2018 poetry & craft talk & 2018 A book I’ve been trying to make my way through this summer is Calling A Wolf A Wolf, Iranian-American poet Kaveh Akbar’s first full-length A Lovely Review Of “For My Son, a Kind of Prayer” Mar 26, 2018 writing & 2018 I know I am late posting this to my blog, but I just had to say how happy I am with the review of my chapbook, For My Son, A Kind of Prayer, that Rachelle Escamilla’s Interview With Me On “Out of Our Minds” on Kkup Cupertino | San Jose Jan 26, 2018 my work & audio & 2018 Rachelle Escamilla · Richard Jeffrey Newman on KKUP I had the pleasure last week of spending an hour talking with Rachelle Escamilla, who Some Thoughts About Harvey Weinstein and What He Represents Oct 16, 2017 gender & 2017 I met the man I have come to think of as my Harvey Weinstein when I was around 13 years old. He was the head waiter at the catering hall where I Trying to Write After Charlottesville Aug 26, 2017 jewish & race & 2017 I’ve been trying to write something in response to Charlottesville for the past two weeks, but I’ve had a hard time finding the words. It’s not that “Between the 1930s and the Year 2000…only 32 Novels Were Translated From Arabic Into Hebrew.” Aug 20, 2017 writing & 2017 The post that statistic in the title comes from is from 2011. It’s by Olivia Snaije, Arabic and Hebrew: The Politics of Literary Translation, on the Anatomy of a Book Cover Jul 28, 2017 writing & 2017 Not too long ago, I received from my publisher, Guernica Editions, the final proof of the cover of my new book of poems, Words For What Those Men Compulsory Heterosexuality at Work Jul 7, 2017 gender & 2017 It’s been a long time since I’ve read Adrienne Rich’s essay, “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence,” but I’ve been thinking about it a I Miss the Muppets! Jun 13, 2017 miscellaneous & 2017 I Know I’ve Had Orgasms That Changed Me Jun 6, 2017 sex & 2017 A friend of mine who does not like jazz—especially anything that has a saxophone in it—told me once about a conversation she and her ex-husband, a A Great Video on Racism by Maz Jobrani May 31, 2017 race & 2017 Concerto for Two Men, by Ella Ben-Aharon May 30, 2017 gender & 2017 My Students First Taught Me to Claim the Politics of My Survival Apr 28, 2017 gender & education & 2017 Cleaning out some files in my office at school the other day, I found a copy of the introduction I gave in the spring of 2001 for two women who were A Video of the Book Launch For “Veils, Halos & Shackles” Apr 17, 2017 writing & 2017 Note: the poems in this video deal with sexual violence. I am happy that “For My Son, A Kind of Prayer” is in Veils, Halos & Shackles: