
Poet • Essayist • Educator • Consultant

Take refuge on this path
the page gives you to roam.

Hunker down against
the shadow cast by prayer
and build yourself a line
that won’t efface itself.

Language is not wine.
You cannot pour it freely.

Recent Posts

Four By Four #14

Four By Four #14

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four By Four #13

Four By Four #13

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four By Four #12

Four By Four #12

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me

The People of Gaza Keep Dying - A Poem

Dear Friends, As a follow up to my three-part series, “Israel and Palestine: Whose Side Are You On?”—which you
Four By Four #11

Four By Four #11

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Israel and Palestine: Whose Side Are You On?

Israel and Palestine: Whose Side Are You On?

Part 3 of 3: Whose Side Are You On?
Israel and Palestine: Whose Side Are You On?

Israel and Palestine: Whose Side Are You On?

Part 2 of 3: Subtext
Israel and Palestine: Whose Side Are You On?

Israel and Palestine: Whose Side Are You On?

Part 1 of 3: Context
Four By Four #10

Four By Four #10

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four By Four #9

Four By Four #9

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four by Four #8

Four by Four #8

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me
Four By Four #7

Four By Four #7

Four things to read, four things to see, four things to listen to, and four things about me