What I Offer
If I had to boil everything I'm going to say in this section of my website down to two sentences, it would be these: I write about things that matter to make connections that matter. During the course of my career, I've helped writers and professionals of all kinds do the same.
Precision, fidelity, and truthfulness are the touchstones of my work, regardless of who I'm working with or what they've hired me to do. The truth I pursue as a poet and writer might be very different from the truth I pursue with a business client, or with students, but to be untruthful in any of those roles is to court failure. My job is not merely to help clients hold the line against such failure; it's to help them embrace the growth and development that become possible when you leave that line behind. Click on the links above to learn more. Or, if you already know what you'd like to talk to me about, contact me directly.