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Reading “The Veil and the Male Elite: A Feminist Interpretation of Women’s Rights in Islam,” by Fatima Mernissi Jul 27, 2020 islam & religion & quotes & 2020 I read Mernissi’s book some years ago, and it was an instructive journey into my own ignorance about Islam, particularly about an aspect of that From “Pluralism and Its Discontents: The Case of Blacks and Jews,” by Cheryl Greenberg Jul 20, 2020 jewish & race & quotes & 2020 Twenty five years or so ago, not too long after I first started teaching at the college where I am still a professor, one of my colleagues—the woman From Male Lust Jul 13, 2020 quotes & 2020 Because a privileged man’s life is “unremarkable,” he is less likely to know how his social position affects his life. A “white” man knows he is From Male Lust Jul 6, 2020 quotes & 2020 “Think of a judicial system that not only favors heterosexuality but reserves its favor for specific types of heterosexuality: not S/M—that could From God’s Phallus, by Howard Eilberg-Schwartz Jun 1, 2020 quotes & feminism & jewish & 2020 If the deity is the father writ large, then this divine masculinity is by no means simply a confirmation of human masculinity. It is at the same